This is what the Holy Spirit of Truth says. Yesterday's Promised Land is today's planet Earth. As soon as Jerusalem is destroyed, as the prophecies report, then the Evil Divinity will descend to do with humanity, everything and much more, of everything that the thirty-one peoples suffered at the hands of Joshua, under the determination and protection of the God of Israel ; read the great Dragon, the Devil.
Listen to what the sentinel said: Whoever resists will experience the most horrendous and unimaginable tortures. And if they don't kill you, you're already alive in hell.
As for the pure ethnic Israelites, everything that happened to them in those desert days will be repeated in our time. And just as they couldn't stand the Devil in those days, neither will they now. And those who cannot stand the Devil will receive the same treatment that Jesus Christ received. These, after their crucifixion, in the most diverse forms of torture, will be called saints of the Most High and will go to glory with Jesus Christ, in the heavenly house. The others who submit to the Devil's determinations will be part of hell on planet Earth. And with the Devil, the great Dragon, the God of Israel, they will go to the second death, where they will suffer all that Jesus Christ related about the coming hell.
Read the revelations of the Holy Spirit of Truth and prepare yourself: